Mark's Story

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Alta Loma, CAlifornia

"Approximately six years ago I began developing chronic, debilitating headaches. They were distracting both in my personal and professional life. They became so severe that I was evaluated in an Emergency Room, had a head CT, and lumbar puncture performed with elusive diagnosis. Dr. Sun explained to me that my headaches and grinding can be because of my joints and bites not being balanced, therefore my teeth were worn down and fractured. Dr. Sun crafted an orthotic and I went into orthotic therapy that eliminated muscle spasms. Once the TMJ was stabilized and the headaches were noticeably reduced, Dr. Sun completed the rehabilitation using a combination of veneers, onlays, full gold, and porcelain crowns. Early in the procedure, I noticed the headaches had completely resolved. I am also very pleased with the final results in cosmetic appearance which has served to bolster my confidence. Those who have seen the transition have been amazed by the final results, while I appreciated the fact that I am now pain free."

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